Defining the standard for
screen-printed sensor interfaces.

Electrochemical sensor and biosensor applications have never been this easy.

An image of the super compact potentiostat product GX100 series which is an electrochemical sensor and biosensor

Super Compact Electrochemical Detectors

Super-compact series potentiostats are the smallest electrochemistry interface on the market, just slightly larger than one cent. These super small and affordable instruments enable you to develop applications tailored for your research needs.

Picture of one of our scientists using GX204 model to do experiments

Next Generation


Technology applied for easy analysis.

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Medical Diagnostics

Point of Care Diagnostic solutions can be implemented with miniature electrochemical detectors.

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Food Safety

On site detection for food quality and food pathogens reveal immediate results in food analysis.

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Veterinary Diagnostics

A super-compact laboratory for fast results in animal diseases and maintenance.

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Fast on site corrosion measurement and follow up with industry standard adapters.

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Battery and Supercapacitors

A variety of electrochemical applications are possible with research on battery, fuel cell or charge devices.

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Environmental Monitoring

Easy and continuous monitoring of soil, air, aqueous environments on site or over remote data flow.

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Education and Science

Perfect tool for introduction to electrochemistry and optimisation of sensor studies.


Cutting Edge Technology

Signal Resolution
999 pA
Bias Resolution
999 µV
Maximum Current
1 mA
Multiplexed Instruments
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Multiple GalvanoPlot instruments can be controlled over single PC software to have a multi-channel instrument effect.

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High Compatibility

Compatible with all popular screen-printed and thin-film electrode sensors on the market, as well as conventional mini cells.

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Compact Design

GalvanoPlotTM is the smallest electrochemistry interface on the market, just slightly larger than one cent.

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Multiple Techniques

All common electrochemistry protocols like CV, LSV, DPV, NPV, SWV, CA, OCP, GAL, IMP and EIS are supported.


Compact and Supercompact
Potentiostat Instruments

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Disposable Sensors

A variety of thick film screen printed electrode (SPE) sensors or thin film (MEMS) sensors to perfectly complement your electrochemistry application.

GM100 Series OEM Potentiostat Modules

Miniature potentiostat modules for biomedical or industrial equipment developers. All capabilities of GX100 series as plug and play OEM modules. Bi-potentiostat, multi-channel potentiostat and EIS analyser options are available.

Who We Are

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Solar Biotechnology, Ltd. is an Izmir based technology company specialized in design and manufacture of MEMS or robotic based solutions to simplify complex systems in healthcare by a multidisciplinary approach. Our ODM services cover the complete spectrum of the product lifecycle from concept to design through manufacturing and after-market services for a variety of medical technology related markets. 

Picture of our office
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All rights reserved.